Saturday, 30 January 2010

Weight loss challenge week 3

So its week 3 of Cats weight loss challenge and the task was to do two exercises for 30 minutes each. I do exercise quite alot anyway but the last few months this had dropped down from daily to a few times a week, but this week I have really got back into it, I have been to the gym as well as using my treadmill on an average on half hour a day,

and I have been using the wii fit alot too, even if it has just been to do the free stepping thing while I watch hollyoaks or something, so I would say the past week or so I have been doing atleast 45mins of exercise a day on top of going to work where I move around alot so have been doing quite well on that front!

I have also been doing a 6min pilates video of abs exercises and attempting to do sit ups the past few days, Im not too sure im doin them right tho, any tips on how to do them right?


India said...

Wow this is so impressive! I can only manage about thirty minutes of exercise a day! lol xx

MISS LUCY... said...

Seriously massive effort, well done for managing to get so much exercise in to your everyday life! Well done! xx

shakespeareandstilettos said...

welldone! thats really great, im going to take a leaf out of your book and try to be more consistent with working out!:) x

Unknown said...

good luck n thanks for sharing x

Laura said...

Hi Becky - just to let you know you won the giveaway on my blog! Drop me an email with your address to and I'll post you your prize out :-)

Unknown said...

i've been loving jillian michael's dvds! they're awesome!

LOVE your blog! following you now :)