Sunday, 24 January 2010

Weight Loss week 2

This weeks challenge was to post a photo of myself which I like, I had to go through all my facebook photos as my laptop has broken and been sent off to be fixed so I didnt have any on my old one to choose from so this took a while lol. I chose this one which was taken on a night out in about october 2009 with uni friends as I was really happy that night and in a good place, I look a bit demented cos we were trying to climb on my car for a photo and falling back off but it makes me smile,

I have been trying to exercise more this week, I cleared off my treadmill as for the past few months it had been storing clothes and things and I have been using it most days and I went to the gym more this week so Im getting there with the whole getting back into exercise thing :)


India said...

Congrats with getting back into exercise! I've been going to the gym more recently to try and lose the Xmas weight! xx

Joanna Peck said...

grats on clearing the treadmill! LOL! my elliptical machine is losing its layer of dust too. *grin*

keep on keeping on!

lydia lee said...
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lydia lee said...

congratulations :)
i love the treadmill!

a fashion blog by lydialee